Lenka Hales
Lenka's healing journey started the day she was diagnosed with Breast cancer. She knew right away that she wanted to have her body at healthiest state possible, so her recovery would be without further complications. Becoming vegan, drinking green matcha tea, meditation, grounding, exercise and many other self care modalities were her daily self-care routines. She was always looking for inspiration in books and after reading “The Ancient Way” by Ananta Ripa Ajmera, she knew her healing needed to be deeper. After becoming a Wellness Ambassador in The Ancient Way's inaugural program, she has learned to understand the true connection to Self. The true way of being of service to others, the ancient way, started with healing within her own heart. Healing takes time, just like anything worthwhile in life, and she is thankful to Ayurveda for showing her the way as she is enjoying her journey of becoming.